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Mamon A La Mode
Savor the perfect blend of warm mamon and cool Selecta Super Thick ice cream. Mamon a la mode is a Pinoy favorite that never disappoints.
2 people
Prep time
5 min
Cook time
0 min
- selecta super thick ice cream
- mamon
- wafer sticks
- maple syrup
- snowflake sprinkles
- fruits
How to make
Get your favorite mamon from your nearest grocery or bakery.
Scoop up some Selecta Super Thick ice cream, or any of your favorite flavors!
Top the mamon with your ice cream scoop and any other ingredients you wish. You can even stick some wafers into the mamon for a fun look! Whether it’s sprinkles or syrup or chocolate chips, your Selecta mamon ala mode is already sure to be a hit!